Saturday, January 29, 2005


The last few days have involved me playing an awful lot of music. From Thursday night through Friday night I basically played almost constantly. It all started with a gig with Dave’s band. It turned out to be a very low energy show with a very small crowd. Thursday night gigs are usually lack luster, so I should have known. I was up till about 2:00 because of that gig and had to get up at about 8:00 to get down to the radio station.

For those of you who don’t know, I volunteer at the local public radio station working as a techie for a radio show that presents live music every weekday. Anyway, a group of us techies decided to play a show of our own. It turned out to be a good day because Friday happened to be the last day we would be broadcasting out of the studio we have been using. A new studio is being built for us on the other side of the station, which is much bigger and better equipped than the old studio. We sang our farewells proudly, and it turned out to be a good show.

After that I had to run up into the mountains to record a few songs with Dave’s band. A lack of energy caused by the previous night’s show mixed with a few bad tracks on the recording made for some very depressing studio time. As much as I’m not fond of the singer/songwriter of the band, I still hope he can get his record done soon so I can get paid…

Next I was off to vee dee headquarters to lay down the final few vocal tracks for the upcoming vee device album. Luckily, this recording went a lot better. We just have a few more tracks for G-Man and I to finish and then we can start editing and mixing the album.

I wish could have had the day off today, but I had to spend it moving stuff at the radio station from the old studio to the new and rehearsing with the Celtic band. Now I’m back at home trying to wind down. I go into the coffee shop tomorrow morning so hopefully I’ll get enough sleep tonight. I guess if I don’t I’ll at least be able to get a decent cup of coffee to wake me up in the morning.

I know that Barb has been busy too. She's in some opera scenes at school this weekend and I'm sure she's been working even harder than me. Wish her luck everyone!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A Good Night

Had two beers at Celtic band Rehearsal tonight, (Retro Red and Wilburfest if you’re curious) and I’ve just gotten home and poured myself a third (an Abbey). I’ve also cooked up some Dave’s Insanity picante sauce and some chips. I’ll be popping in a movie after I finish writing this. I don’t know why I feel like getting a bit tipsy tonight, being lazy, and eating some super spicy food, but I do.

Hurray for the good life!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day!

While eating lunch, I read in this week’s issue of tidbits that today is Squirrel Appreciation Day. As most of my friends know, I absolutely detest squirrels and will do anything I can to get rid of them. But for today, in honor of Squirrel Appreciation Day, I solemnly swear to refrain from stalking squirrels in my paisley robe and fedora with a suction-cup dart gun. Have a nice day off squirrels, but know that I’ll be back with a vengeance tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My Horoscope for this Week

I would like to thank my friend Sam for pointing out my horoscope in this week's Onion. It is as follows:
Gemini: (May 21—June 21)
Classical musicians worldwide will be out for your blood when you compose the brilliant but torturous-to-play Punishment Symphony For Orchestral Dipshits.
I would like to dedicate this symphony to the wonderful members of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra. Because the are currently on strike, I may not get to see their performance of Gustav Holst's, The Planets, which they are scheduled to play in February. Thank you SLSO for shattering my dream of seeing The Planets live.

As much as I'd like to be on the musicians' side of this whole ordeal, I just can't justify it. When they are making $70,000+ for a 42 week-a-year contract, do they really need any more money?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Good Thing I Have no Adoring Fans..

I’m a bad, bad blogger.

I haven’t posted in a while. It’s not that there’s been nothing to post about, in fact I’ve been doing tons of stuff. I guess I was just too busy to post.

Anyway, Christmas happened. It was good overall. I got some nifty bass accessories, like new strings and some crazy synthetic rosin. It is clear and has no discernable smell. Very odd. I also got lots of clothes and a few good books including The Tipping Point and Molvania: A Land Untouched by Modern Dentistry. By far though, the best present of all was having Barb out here to spend the holidays with me.

She flew in on Christmas day and stayed for a about a week and a half. We spent a lot of time watching movies and hanging out, which is really what we both needed. Being in a long distance relationship is tough, so any time that you can spend with your special someone is extremely precious. After her visit I felt closer to her than I have for a long time.

Since she left things have started to return to normal. I’ve been going in to the radio station again for the live show and reconnecting with all of my various bands. I’ve also been working a bit more at the coffee shop, though my hours there are still pretty few and far between. Ah well at least I’m not stressed out about work.

Well, that should pretty much catch everybody up with my life. The two or three of you reading this can fall asleep now knowing that nothing horrible has happened to me.