The last few days have involved me playing an awful lot of music. From Thursday night through Friday night I basically played almost constantly. It all started with a gig with Dave’s band. It turned out to be a very low energy show with a very small crowd. Thursday night gigs are usually lack luster, so I should have known. I was up till about 2:00 because of that gig and had to get up at about 8:00 to get down to the radio station.
For those of you who don’t know, I volunteer at the local public radio station working as a techie for a radio show that presents live music every weekday. Anyway, a group of us techies decided to play a show of our own. It turned out to be a good day because Friday happened to be the last day we would be broadcasting out of the studio we have been using. A new studio is being built for us on the other side of the station, which is much bigger and better equipped than the old studio. We sang our farewells proudly, and it turned out to be a good show.
After that I had to run up into the mountains to record a few songs with Dave’s band. A lack of energy caused by the previous night’s show mixed with a few bad tracks on the recording made for some very depressing studio time. As much as I’m not fond of the singer/songwriter of the band, I still hope he can get his record done soon so I can get paid…
Next I was off to vee dee headquarters to lay down the final few vocal tracks for the upcoming vee device album. Luckily, this recording went a lot better. We just have a few more tracks for G-Man and I to finish and then we can start editing and mixing the album.
I wish could have had the day off today, but I had to spend it moving stuff at the radio station from the old studio to the new and rehearsing with the Celtic band. Now I’m back at home trying to wind down. I go into the coffee shop tomorrow morning so hopefully I’ll get enough sleep tonight. I guess if I don’t I’ll at least be able to get a decent cup of coffee to wake me up in the morning.
I know that Barb has been busy too. She's in some opera scenes at school this weekend and I'm sure she's been working even harder than me. Wish her luck everyone!!!!