Friday, July 03, 2009

$11 Absolutely Free!

Yesterday, I received in the mail a survey from the CDC. It's a survey about immunization, but that is far from the most important thing about it. The most important thing about the survey is that they included a dollar in the envelope. Not a check for a dollar. Not a promise to pay me a dollar at a future date. A real, honest to goodness dollar bill paperclipped to the survey.

To good to be true, right?

It turns out it's even better than that! Not only did they just send me a dollar for the trouble of removing it from the envelope, but the survey says that they'll send me ten more dollars if I fill out the survey and send it back to them. OK, I'll bite and fill out your silly survey for ten dollars...

Question 1:
How many people live in this household?

Question 2:
How many of these people are 18 years of age or older?

Question 3:
How many of these are children under the age of 3 years?

And then a simple set of instructions on how to continue...

If your answer to question 3 is "0," You are finished. Please return the questionnaire in the postage paid envelope.

Easiest $11 I ever made.


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