Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Everything That Happens Will Happen Today

It's not just the title of a Brian Eno/David Byrne collaboration, it's the state of my existence. *sigh*

I may be required to move out of my house sooner than expected, trying to buy a house in the next few months, starting a new (possibly temporary) additional job and playing somewhat regularly with a new singer/songwriter. That's just the new stuff. I've still got the radio gig, shows and albums to record with 3 other bands, and general life stuff that's got to be lived.

Anytime change begins to happen in my life, some unknown force has conspired to pile on additional change to the point that, when the dust settles, my new life seems to be rather distant from the old. This happens approximately once per year.

Can I get either stability or gradual change? I'm finding it hard to keep up.

- Temp job secured.
- Move out date set at Sept. 1st
- Show with Singer/Songwriter this Saturday
- Mortgage lender info acquired, hopefully we'll meet next week...

Friday, July 03, 2009

$11 Absolutely Free!

Yesterday, I received in the mail a survey from the CDC. It's a survey about immunization, but that is far from the most important thing about it. The most important thing about the survey is that they included a dollar in the envelope. Not a check for a dollar. Not a promise to pay me a dollar at a future date. A real, honest to goodness dollar bill paperclipped to the survey.

To good to be true, right?

It turns out it's even better than that! Not only did they just send me a dollar for the trouble of removing it from the envelope, but the survey says that they'll send me ten more dollars if I fill out the survey and send it back to them. OK, I'll bite and fill out your silly survey for ten dollars...

Question 1:
How many people live in this household?

Question 2:
How many of these people are 18 years of age or older?

Question 3:
How many of these are children under the age of 3 years?

And then a simple set of instructions on how to continue...

If your answer to question 3 is "0," You are finished. Please return the questionnaire in the postage paid envelope.

Easiest $11 I ever made.