Sunday, July 29, 2007

Classical Music From Beyond the Grave

As most of you know, I'm crazy about Classical Music. From early music to modernism, I love it all. As you may not know, I have a fascination for creepy spiritualism. I love "true" ghost stories, psychics, and paranormal goings on.

Like nuts and gum, I've finally found a way to put them together at last!

While doing some web trolling, I came across the story of a woman named Rosemary Brown. According to what I've read, she was a medium who channeled the spirits of long dead composers and wrote down their music from the afterlife.


I'm always looking for interesting show ideas for the Symphony Hour, so this seemed perfect! Finding the music took a bit of a search. Rosemary was very active in the 60's and 70's so much of what was released was only available on vinyl. I found one CD, but in order to get it I had to send cash to some woman in Germany after sending a letter... super sketchtastic! Instead I turned to a much more reliable, far less shady venue:

I went to ebay.

I found two records and managed to win both auctions. One is coming from New York, and the other is coming from England.

I can't wait to listen to them! Hopefully they will arrive intact and playable. I receive records in the mail all the time a work, so I'm not overly concerned. I'll probably be unleashing them on the public at large around Halloween.

More about Rosemary Brown can be found at:

Sunday, July 01, 2007

I'm 26 now...

One thing I forgot to mention in all the Telluride madness (which I have now returned from) is that I turned 26 years old that first night I was up in Peonia. I didn't tell the guys up there about it, and I haven't really celebrated since I've gotten back. This is the first birthday I've had that really passed without much ado.

Much like when I turned 25, I'm finding myself reflecting on the past several years. My post- college years have been mostly successful, but I still feel like I'm really searching for my place in life. I haven't really had the time to completely settle in anywhere. All of the jobs I had have been temporary, except for the current one. I've moved every single year since I've been back here. My love life has consisted of moments either painful or painfully short.

Still, Colorado is a wonderful place to be, and I can't imagine my life anywhere else. Did I really spend 4 years in Missouri? I've been back here almost that long now! Will I really spend the rest of my life here like I've always thought? Is there someplace I'd rather be?

And I still haven't answered the biggest questions of all.

Why am I here?

What am I supposed to do?

Maybe I'll figure them out by next year.

Maybe I won't.