Northern Colorado Rules!
More specifically Boulder area Colorado Rules, and pretty much only in bluegrass music competitions. They announced the winners of both the band and troubadour competitions this morning. I missed all of the troubadour finals, but I managed to see the final band competition on the main stage. Four bands played three songs apiece.
The bands: Green Mountain Grass, Daybreak Express, Lonesome Traveler Bluegrass Band, and Spring Creek Bluegrass Band.
Green Mountain Grass / Daybreak Express
Lonesome Traveller / Spring Creek
In the end...
Spring Creek took first and Lonesome Traveler took second! Both bands have been on Live @ Lunch in the past year.
The troubadour winner is none other than Gregory Alan Isakov who I hosted on Live @ Lunch just a few weeks ago! He's also from the Boulder area. I'm going of to see his set right now. Pictures will most certainly follow.
In other news, I'm starting to become quiet disgusting. Luckily the anti-bacterial qualities of KRFC's new bamboo t-shirts are working much better than expected. Despite my failure to shower for the past few days and my forgetting to bring any deodorant with me, I don't seem to be smelling too bad. Here's a picture so you can judge for yourselves how much in need of grooming I am.